Category Archives: releases

released sys_minion

into OEM drivers repository, the program is now trying to fix bad installation dates (like some Intel drivers’ ones). added new Windows Capabilities on Demand page. minor fixes & improvements link

released Horodruin v5.8.423.0

Published v5.8.423.0 (13/02/2019). – removed impersonation on explorer integration. – (copy engine) improved file attributes processing #2. – compiled with C++ Builder v10.3 (binary geometry is changed). – minor fixes.   Link

Horodruin – fixed setup file

Actually I discovered that the latest file did contain the wrong program setup (v5.5). I fixed the file, and now the .zip file includes the correct setup.   I am sorry for this problem. Regards   Stefano

released sys_minion (bis)

I appears I have uploaded the wrong .zip file (about v1.3.0.2). I fixed it. To get the new one, you only have to download it again (ie the URL isn’t changed). I am quite sorry for the inconvenience.