Category Archives: tech pit

everything related to technical stuff

HOWTO fix Performance Monitor ‘unable to add counter’ errors

Several days ago, I started Performance Monitor, and I tripped the following error: Unable to add these counters: \Memory\Available MBytes \Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use \Memory\Cache Faults/sec \Memory\Cache Faults/sec \PhysicalDisk(*)\%Idle Time \PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk Queue Length \Network Interface(*)\Bytes Total/sec Looking around, I found and followed this article. The Solution I fixed the problem by executing the following command from an administrative Command Prompt window: lodctr /r … Continue reading HOWTO fix Performance Monitor ‘unable to add counter’ errors »

HOWTO enable/disable PING on Windows 10 firewall by command prompt

In Windows 10, the firewall blocks PING command messages by default. I presume that this setting is to improve the security of our PCs, but sometimes we need it because we have to investigate about network problems, … Since I find quite annoying to wander through hundreds of firewall rules, then I discovered the command lines to enable/disable the related firewall rules from an Administrative … Continue reading HOWTO enable/disable PING on Windows 10 firewall by command prompt »

HOWTO install a driver .INF by command line

Up to now, there are different ways to install a device driver: by a dedicated setup file by the manufacturer. by using Device Manager to update the ones of a previously installed device. by File Explorer right-click menu. … by script or command line This last option can be useful if you need to include in a script the driver installation, or in a troubleshooting … Continue reading HOWTO install a driver .INF by command line »

HOWTO compact vhd/vhdx Hyper-V files

It happened that the usual compact disk from Hyper-V Console doesn’t seem to be effective on one of my .vhdx file. Looking around on the web, I discovered that it is a quite common problem. The solution is to open a Powershell window with administrative access rights, and use the following command: optimize-vhd <offline Hyper-V disk file> -mode full For further details about this command, … Continue reading HOWTO compact vhd/vhdx Hyper-V files »

HOWTO Convert SVN repository to GIT

In my previous post, I wrote about using GIT with an SVN server pathing across different processes. One of these was cloning an SVN repository.  This topic can be used to convert an SVN repository to GIT one with all its revision history. The Process We can use the cloning command to set up the starting revision of our new GIT clone, by the following … Continue reading HOWTO Convert SVN repository to GIT »

HOWTO use GIT with SVN server

Introduction During COVID-lockdown, one of the challenges is to understand how to smart work as best as possible. One of my problems is that I haven’t remote access to the SVN server. I began to wonder if and how GIT can alleviate my smart work problems. The found answer is: yes, it can. Both repository types have their strong and weak points. My personal impression … Continue reading HOWTO use GIT with SVN server »

HOWTO change network connection category quickly

During the COVID-19 global event, I needed to set up VPNs, remote connections… I also discovered that changing the network connection category can be quite a trick in Windows 10 GUI. I discovered that is a simple task by using Powershell Solution Open a Powershell window with administrative rights run the following command: Get-NetConnectionProfile it will show one or more of the following: Name : … Continue reading HOWTO change network connection category quickly »

HOWTO start Memory Test on W10

If you are investigating strange issues/BSOD on your computer, you may reach the point to verify the installed memory. Windows 10 has this feature included, and it will spare the need to use any live CD, … You can simply use it by typing in the Search box: mdsched and selecting Memory Diagnostic Tool from the results, or by administrative Command Prompt by typing the … Continue reading HOWTO start Memory Test on W10 »