HOWTO switch back W11 to the old right-click menu

Recently I switched to Windows 11, and (IMHO) one of the most painful features is the new right-click menu in File Explorer.

Since it doesn’t display any of my needed items (git, svn, notepad++, …), I always need to click on ‘Show more Options‘, and then I can select the required option.

I found it quite uncomfortable because it doubles the efforts to use them.

So, after a short investigation, I found a way to remove it (and restore it if needed), by adding and deleting a few registry items.


To disable the new W11 context menu, copy the text below to a text editor:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Then save it as a .reg file.

To apply the changes, double-click it and confirm your administrative access rights.


To restore the new W11 context menu, copy the text below, save it as a .reg file, and apply it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
