HOWTO convert a .rc file to VC++ flavored one

Recently I was in need to import a resource file (.rc) generated by ResEdit program into a Visual C++ program. As long you do not open it with the VC embedded editor, only can only add it to the project. Problems came when you try to use the embedded VC resource editor.  It usually fails to load, because of a problem in prsht.h.  I don’t … Continue reading HOWTO convert a .rc file to VC++ flavored one »

HOWTO include Visual C++ RTL in a Inno Setup kit

Introduction Compiling our programs using external RTLs is generally always a good option to have smaller & efficient programs. In the case of Visual Studio ones, the best option is to use its own setup kit, because: it frees us from caring about RTL requirements (needed files, components registrations, …) from Visual Studio 2015 to 2022, it is a single standard package. once installed, it … Continue reading HOWTO include Visual C++ RTL in a Inno Setup kit »

Horodruin – Cannot download Visual C++ redist from MS hosts

If you will not be able to install and run Horodruin without MS Visual C++ redist package, because of hosting server problem like this one: …   After a first panic phase, I improved it to a specific local dedicated Support for External Packages page including all the related needed warnings. Good Luck 🙂   NOTE 12/05/2022: during the nightfall, the server problems seem to … Continue reading Horodruin – Cannot download Visual C++ redist from MS hosts »

HOWTO uninstall a program from Inno Setup kit

Introduction One of the many challenges in releasing the latest version of Horodruin was that the main edition switched to 64-bits. This means that we cannot simply install/update the new program over the existing one, mainly because 64 bits programs have a different default system folder (‘Program Files‘) than 32 bits ones (‘Program Files (x86)‘). The best option here is to uninstall the old one, … Continue reading HOWTO uninstall a program from Inno Setup kit »

HOWTO block Windows 11 automatic upgrade

Introduction Recently I tried to upgrade my previous flagship notebook to Windows 11 but it didn’t work. The update constantly failed because of several problems that I wasn’t able to fix. When I decided to sign off from W11 upgrade, I discovered that I cannot change my previous decision anymore. This problem is that Windows Update constantly tries the upgrade process failing every single time … Continue reading HOWTO block Windows 11 automatic upgrade »

Released Horodruin v6.0.708.0

After about 3 years from the last update, finally, the new shining version is ready. It is landed with 2 different editions: the main/default one: compiled for 64 bits Windows editions. the portable one: compiled for 32 bits Windows editions. link

HOWTO block Windows Update from installing old drivers

Introduction One of the problems with the new notebook is that Windows Update keeps installing old AMD Radeon software for courtesy GPU, and the CPU itself. Even if I installed the latest ones (v30.0…), it keeps installing the 2-years older ones (v27.0…). Yesterday I overcome my tolerance limit and decided to solve the problem once for all. First steps First of all, we need to … Continue reading HOWTO block Windows Update from installing old drivers »